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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Another day, another step closer!

Busy busy day today. Hubby was nice enough to deliver all my wood from last night's home depot adventure to Joey's first thing this morning and bring the car back so i could go on another excursion today. I was on a mission to find non-pressure treated 4x4x8s and that was pretty hard cause apparently every lumber yard only has PT or cedar. I finally found some in stock at a different home depot 20 mins away after checking out 2 lumber yards. But I did get some good 2x8s at the 1st lumber yard since HD's were all too crappy. The 2nd lumber yard was also a hardware store and I scored a great deal on a portable miter saw table.

So me and the munchkin got all the wood at HD (while the munchkin decided the push cart was a jungle gym of course lol). We filled up the car to head to Joey's and this time at least i could see in all directions :o)

Hubby and BIL were hard at work in the backyard doing some cleanup but helped unload the rest of the lumber and brought out the boxes for the saw. A friend from church came by and he helped teach me some safety tips for the miter saw and helped me get it set all up. I did a few practice cuts and I think I'll be nervous for a few tries but since I have about a million pieces of wood to cut, lol, I should be an old pro in no time.

I assembled the miter saw table, which was surprising easy as it was partially pre-assembled. Of course it figures that I tightened one of the nuts much too tight and it snapped the bolt right in half so unfortunately my afternoon was spent back at home depot lol. I also stopped at sears for a new saw blade because the one the sears guy recommended to my hubby was the wrong kind lol. I would have done all the shopping at sears but for some reason they are a hardware store that doesn't sell screws. seriously. that makes no sense.

All in all a productive day I'd say. All the lumber is stacked in joey's shed and the tools and saw are in her workshop inside the house. I now know how to use my new toy, so next time i go over, I actually get to get to work. :)

Here is my new toy

and here is the pretty new miter table from a distance :). It has "arms" to support the wood. The screws from that to screw down the miter saw to it are the ones I snapped - so word of caution - never over tighten your screws or you may find yourself at a hardware store that doesn't sell screws :).

That's all for now :)


  1. wow..that is some saw...i may need to come up and play with it sometime...that is a really nice one!! glad you had such a fun day running all over the place...when will you get a chance to actually do any work? good luck!!

  2. I'm inspired by you building your daughters bed, it looks great! What kind of saw (brand/price) is it and now that you've been using it do you like it, would you recommend it?

  3. Thanks :)

    It's a 7 1/4" Craftman Sliding Miter Saw from Sears, I got it on sale for $109.99, which was like $60 off or something. I originally got a Ryobi 10" from Lowe's for $150 but it was stationary and didn't slide. I ended up returning it to get the craftsman. I decided I would rather have the sliding ability to be able to cut larger boards, even if it is a smaller blade size. Smaller blade = smaller price as well, which was nice, and its more compact which makes storage easier. I've been able to cut every piece of wood even 4x4s (had to rotate a couple times) and 2x8s, so I'm loving it. The only problem I've had is that I had a board kick back (no fault of the machine, was just a tiny piece with a big knot) and it busted the laser light assembly, but it's fully warranteed so I just have to drop it off for them to send away to fix it. The warranty is actually why i bought new instead of used - although the laser light doesn't help much when using it outdoors cause you can barely see it and you can't rely on it's accuracy.

    I got the stand at a local lumber yard, called a portable miter saw stand, Mitermate was the brand and I got it for $69.99. Every other stand I've seen for cheap is around $100 so i think i got a pretty good deal on that too.

  4. I think this is the same stand,

  5. Thanks for answering about the saw. I'll remember to look for a sliding one. Then I'll just have to get over my fear of them.

  6. I love it, it's super easy and as long as you follow the basic safety rules (make HD or Sears show you or a friend who knows tools) then it's so much faster and safer then a circular saw. Don't wear loose clothes, tuck in your shirt, always wear safety goggles, don't hold the wood once it's clamped down because it could kick back, etc.....
