I got the 2nd headboard painted and after that I froze my butt off on the back porch sanding the rails, supports, and slats.
I hate 2x2s. They are evil. They have way too many imperfections and they snag you and it's almost impossible to sand without ripping off sections because of the screwed up edges. And those were the GOOD ones that I had to hunt through like 50 different boards to find a few straight ones.
But everything got sanded and hubby helped me out so we tag teamed it a bit and I sanded while he took over the painting station ion the kitchen and got everything painted. Then once all of it was done and dry, I came in and did the touch ups.
So it's all done and ready for hardware, which should be here by Friday according to the UPS site :).
We could have put the center together (the part that supports the bed slats) and just waited on final assembly of attaching headboards to rails, but I see no point in having that huge thing sitting in my dining room for 2 days. :)
Here are the completed pieces hanging out in my hallway :)
Tomorrow I plan to go back to Joey's house and get the rest of the cutting done and assemble of at least 1 foot board (top bunk has 2 foot boards being used as a head and foot board). Please don't rain, please don't rain, please don't rain!!!!!!!!!!
I just asked Alyssa if she loves the pink/purple color and if it's pretty. She said yes but it's not beautiful because it needs a flower. Of course, how could we possibly have forgotten a flower (insert sarcase here). Hubby seems to think he'll be painting a flower on the headboard now, but it's not happening. We'll use the dollar store cling on flowers that are on her bedroom walls then her highness' bed will match her bedroom. There will be no messing up the atrocious pink/purple now that it's done lol. And she will think it's beautiful!!!
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