Well once the kid went to the babysitter today and I had a few minutes to spare at work (I work at home), I decided it was time for lunch, although I wasn't cooking :). I covered up my kitchen table with a sheet and decided to piece together the next headboard.
I was being lazy and didn't feel like bringing out the drills this time and after chatting on facebook with the famous Miss Ana over at Knock Off Wood, I knew that I could just use a nailer and use glue, or just try glue and clamps as the headboard was mainly decoration and the real power behind the beds were in the legs, rails, and slats and that's why those get screwed in. So since I'm too cheap to get a brad or finishing nailer to hold the wood while the glue dries, I opted just to use glue and clamps.
Using the tablecloth probably did more harm then good cause it made it hard to slide the wood, but I didn't wanna scratch my table :).
(I just noticed my clamps match my tablecloth haha)
It seems my wood was slightly off because at the beginning I was all even on all sides but as I moved along my rails started to not touch the ends of the headers. I figured I cut them a tad short cause of the kerf (thickness) of the saw blade so I kept on going. I realized at the end that I probably cut them right but I think the angling of the wood was off or the headers were not totally straight.
This is how I was shown to make sure it's square - measuring from opposite corners - the measurement should math. Of course mine didn't. I'm like less then a 1/2" off. not too bad and not much i can really do about it now since it's all glued and clamped.
But considering it only took me 20 mins or so to get it all lined up, I think it looks pretty good. I still have to glue on the top board and I think once that glue dries I probably will drill some screws through at least a few spots to make sure it all stays nice and pretty. Then I'll have to recruit a helper, AKA hubby, to help with the posts as someone needs to hold steady while the other uses the drill.
And now I'm off to actually eat something on my lunch lol.
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