I had my first board kickback today, that was oh so much fun. I was trying to trim down a 2.5" piece of wood which is nearly impossible anyway but then you add that I was steadying it with a 2x4 to hold it still and it seems there may also have been a big ole knot in it. But all combined, my miter saw just wasn't a fan. I heard a giant pop like a muffled gun shot and thank God it went backwards and all around and away from me. The piece of wood literally blew up and was in like 8 different pieces and spread in about a 180 degree arc around me. On the ground underneath my saw was this:
That would be what is left of the plastic piece that was holding up my laser line. I didn't get a shot of the actual laser line but the light is hanging by the 1/2" cord.
Thankfully I did not get hurt and my saw still works fine, just the poor laser light needs a bit of doctoring, thankfully it's under warranty.
As for the rest of my day, well God was good to me a few times today because it was a beautiful and sunny day and not a hint of rain. It was warm enough to work outside with a t-shirt but not so hot that I was roasting - perfect.
I unfortunately found a glitch in Google Reader today - the plans on the site I'm using discussed the measurements for the side rails because they were originally designed to be too short since a standard mattress for a twin is 75" long, so she fixed the design. Unfortunately Google Reader didn't print the newest version of the blog when I printed the plan and I didn't notice it when I did the cuts for bed #1. Thankfully I caught it before cutting for bed #2.
So now I have two 72" long 2x8s that are pink/purple and two 73.5" long 2x2s sitting in my hallway that I will have to find another use for - maybe a bench or bookcase or something.
So of course I had to make a trip to Home depot to get more wood, and I asked hubby to go for me midday anyway because I ran out of 1x4s, no idea why, but oh well.
so Hubby went to HD once midday for me, then again with me later in the evening for the 2x8s, but they didn't have the 2x2s I needed so then I went sans hubby but with the munchkin 20 mins away to another HD that had them. I hate 2x2s, seriously. They are soooo hard to find straight and square. Me and the HD guy went through 6 bundles of these things to find 2 decent pieces and 1 that was half good - which only worked cause I only needed 35.5" off that one lol.
After all the beautiful sunshine, busted laser, blown up wood, incorrect cuts, and missing wood I was finally done for the day :) and all of the cuts for bed #2 are DONE!! I also did the cuts for the guardrail as well. Since we aren't letting her sleep on the top bunk for quite some time and we're leaving them as 2 twins for a while, I didn't bother cutting the ladder yet.
Joey's patio is all cleaned up and tools are all put away and all the wood is jam packed in my apartment so I can assemble the footboards tomorrow.
Gotta "love" apartment living - here is the giant stack of wood hiding behind my recliner. There is also a random 2x8 in my front closet and all of the painted pieces are hanging out in the hallway lol
That's it for tonight, hopefully tomorrow is less eventful :). The hardware should be in for bed #1 though :). I just have to sand and paint the newly cut boards and clear coat everything, then it will be ready for assembly :). Hopefully while it all dries I can assemble bed 2 :). Then if all goes well, by the end of the weekend Alyssa will have the 1st of the 2 beds to sleep on and the 2nd one will hopefully we done or almost done.